America Visit Report by Moody Park
I will forever remember the Founders day of 2011. Missionary Paul Koh invited me, so I could visit America by God’s grace. I will report on my visit in three parts: 1) The Angels of LA; 2) The Founders Day Mission Report; 3) The Warriors of Faith and Soldiers of Christ in Chicago chapter.
Part I. The Angels of LA
After about a 10 hour flight, we arrived in LA, September 26, 2011. Missionary Isaac Kim served us with delicious food–and he asked us to pray for two prayer topics: 1) That God may help missionary Faith Park to live for 120 years; and 2) That God may help her sons, James and John to marry by faith. They are truly angels of faith in LA.
Missionary Faith Park is the angel of angels. Many people visited her to comfort her, but actually, they were comforted by her. We were no exception. When we stayed at the Park’s home, we were served by angels there including James Park, Faith Park, and their sons James Jr. and John. Daniel Yoon, the son of Missionary Susanna Yoon in Zimbabwe, also stays at this home. Cal Poly Pomona campus is located near their home. Sister Alex and Brothers Matthew and Greg are growing. The campus is very beautiful, and there are about 20,000 students.
We were also surprised by Missionaries David and Susanna Min. Recently, Missionary Susanna Min slipped while climbing a mountain and cracked her skull. By God’s grace, after successful surgery, she has been restored and is preaching the gospel.
Missionaries John and Susanna Choi also served us well. Missionary Petra is devoted to CBF. She also served Cham Nan and Lucia with Bible study and led them to Sunday Worship Service. About 40 house churches have been established there.
At Sunday Worship Service, one shepherd delivered a message entitled, ‘Jesus, The Good Shepherd’, and then Missionary Isaac Kim led a communion ceremony. The messengers in the LA chapter are shepherds Charles Wilson, Terry Lopez, William Larsen, and Jonathan Pyles. After the Worship Service, we visited Missionaries Abe and Suji Yoon at UC Davis. When we arrived in Sacramento by airplane, Sacramento Campus pioneers and UC Davis pioneers met us at the airport. The Sacramento pioneers are Missionaries Andrew and Esther Kim and their children Blessing, Esther, and Hanna, and UC Davis pioneers are Missionary John Jung, and Missionaries Abe and Suji Yoon and their son Elijah and there were also others at the airport to meet us. UC Davis campus is near the Sacramento campus and there are 30,000 students. Missionary Isaac Kim had three suggestions for Missionary Abe Yoon: 1) Be friendly with his advisor professor; 2) Come up with creative ideas; 3) He could get creative ideas through revelations from God.
Part II. Founders Day Mission Report
The Founders Day Celebration was held on October 7. The title was ‘ASIA, RIPE FOR HARVEST’. Chicago chapter’s co-workers, and visitors from America, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, and Korea attended. World Director Pastor Abraham Kim delivered a welcoming message. Through the message, he encouraged us to succeed in receiving the spiritual legacy passed down from Dr. Samuel Lee, and convey it to our descendants. Then, Korea Director Shepherd David Kim delivered the opening message entitled ‘THE SOWER AND THE REAPER’ from John4:27-38. Missionary Jimmy Lee delivered the pioneering history of Asia UBF, which God haddone for 25 years.
Fifteen years from now by 2025, about sixty percent of the world population will be in Asia. Now, the majority of the world population is in China which is about 1.3 billion people; India is about 1.2 billion people; and Indonesia has about 25 million people. Asian pioneering started when Missionary Angela Kim was hired by Samsung, and sent out to Hong Kong in 1986. Missionary Jimmy Lee reported in detail about God’s work in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Philippine, China, North Korea, and so on. He indicated the Asia Mission Vision through the report title: ‘ASIA, RIPE FOR HARVEST’.
Shepherd Hayes Tang reported on Hong Kong Mission,and shared his life testimony. He became a born again Christian through one to one Bible study during his school days, and then he became an ancestor of faith in Hong Kong UBF. Missionary Angela Kim underwent brain surgery three times; so she took a lot of pills. One day she heard the voice of God. “…I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless (Gen 17:1)”. She threw all the pills and decided to trust in God.. And she declared a martyr’s faith before the Lord: “If you take my life, I will be buried in Hong Kong campus.” After that, she was healed miraculously. When she decided to live as a kernel of wheat, Hong Kong UBF experienced a great work of God. If kernels of wheat like Missionary Angela Kim are continuously raised up, Hong Kong UBF would transform China. And it would become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Shepherdess Inang Pham reported on Indonesia Mission, and shared her life testimony. Due to her failure on the entrance exam of Medical College, she lived like she was paralyzed. But when she had one to one Bible study, she heard the voice of God “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” and she was transformed. She established a house church with short-term Missionary Tommy Pham who was from Washington UBF, and then she moved to Washington. She has the desire to live as a mother of prayer for students, and she is praying that she may be a source of blessing.
Shepherd Samuel Palaka reported on India Mission, and shared his life testimony. In the past, he experienced a number of troubles because of the discrimination in the Caste system. Through Bible study, he accepted a calling from God to be a royal priest. He established a house church, and serves as a professor shepherd in DU North.
Shepherd Abraham Terasaki reported on Japan Mission, and shared his life testimony. He delivered it in Japanese, and shepherd Kevin Albright translated it into English. Terasaki was a student in Korea University, and he was transformed through Bible study in Anam UBF. He can speak Korean language fluently, and he is translating a Korean version of the Daily Bread book into a Japanese version. He established a house church with a Korean missionary, and after 7 years of marriage life God provided him a cute daughter. In 2001, Japan UBF experienced a serious crisis and conflict. But, through the word from John 15:5, he decided to keep his faith and to remain in UBF. He could become an ancestor ofJapan UBF.
Lastly, Missionary M.K. reported on Chinese Mission, and shared his life testimony. When he arrived at China, he decided to live a campus-centered life. Even when he played with children, he went to the campus with them, played, prayed, and then went back to his home. God accepted his campus centered life as five loaves and two fish, and in the course of time hesent 40 sheep. One day, when they were in their worship service, the Public Security Police ran into the sanctuary. Missionary M.K. was deprived of his passport, and after 40 days, he was deported to Korea. But, Shepherdess M.L. succeeded the ministry and it is growing up continuously. She dreamed to live like Mother Barry, but she wants to get married. Although the Public Security Police drove away Missionary M.K., they couldn’t deprive him of his zeal for World Mission. He declared before God: “If Chinese government does not allow me to get in, I would bring Chinese students to Korea.” He has brought 10 Chinese shepherds to H center, and for training every year. He helped them to serve Chinese Worship Service. God transferred the Chinese Mission Center to Korea. Report from Missionary M.K. was very impressive, and it deeply inspired all the attendees.
Part III. Warriors of faith and soldiers of Christ in Chicago chapter
Missionary Paul Koh invited me to share my life testimony on Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Chicago center. God blessed me to share my life testimony by the grace of God. I prepared my life testimony in three parts–Before Christ In Childhood; Shepherd Life in Jongno; and Pioneering Ministry in Ansung, Korea. In Los Angeles on Saturday at 3:00 p.m., after delivering my testimony, I lectured about discipleship-making. I had a great opportunity to have fellowship with the co-workers. Many missionaries recalled the pioneering ministry, and they agreed that we can achieve it only by prayer, and by God’s word. I also shared the same testimony in Sacramento, and the co-workers deeply accepted that prayer is absolutely necessary when it comes to serving the ministry. They made a decision to concentrate on more prayer. I sincerely pray that Missionary Abe Yoon, and every coworker would serve with sincere prayer, so that they may be granted God’s revelation, and they may be able to win the victory by faith.
When I stayed in Chicago, I visited the Loyola University campus, and viewed Lake Michigan by riding on a big boat from the Chicago River. I visited Northwestern University and Northeastern University campuses. I prayed for their growing ministries. Missionary Luke Yang from St. Louis came to the Founders Day Celebration, so I could have a graceful fellowship with him. He works hard, and studies hard and has prayed sincerely.
On Saturday at 11:00 a.m., I attended Dr. Samuel Lee’s Memorial worship service by his grave. About 100 people attended. Through this time, I deeply thanked Dr. Samuel Lee who showed so much love for me. God used him as a tool in the salvation ministry around the world; it was so miraculous. I met with his family. I had a conversation with Missionary Grace Koh(EunJun Lee) and I heard of the special love of Dr. Samuel Lee for me. She has kept her father’s Daily Bread notebooks as a heritage. Through viewing the testimonies he wrote, I could deeply learn from him again. He was a great servant of God and of prayer. He continuously prayed for me when he trained me. He was very awesome! We can go through the path of becoming a shepherd by someone’s awesome prayer. Missionary Augustine Sohn invited me to his home. He translated my life testimony. His co-worker Missionary Theresa corrected the English. Many missionaries invited us and served us very well.
On October 9, we attended the Sunday Worship Service. Pastor Ron Ward delivered his message from Matthew 12 entitled ‘Jesus, God’s chosen one’, and it was graceful. Christy Weed served a special music program with a graceful song. Pastor Ron Ward emphasized about prayer during the announcements. Yes, only by the power of awesome prayer, we can win the victory in this hard time in ministry. At 7:00 p.m., Shepherd Jonathan Reese served a special music program with a song before our testimony sharing, and I shared my life testimony after I sang a Korean hymn. After that, I sang another Korean hymn with my co-worker Maria. Shepherdess Sarah Kim shared herlife testimony, and reported God’s work in Yonhee UBFministry and 2nd generation training. Many missionaries praised my life testimony. One missionary testified that it was so impressive and he cried during my testimony. Missionaries Joseph and Maria Ahn reminded me to become a doctor and master English as they have told me before; I promised to do so. I especially bowed to my spiritual mother Maria Ahn. I repaid debts of her love with just a bow and a word; but I couldn’t repay all. Missionary Maria Ahn is the ‘Amazon of faith’. There are so many great servants of God in Chicago; Mother Sarah Barry, Dr. John Jun, Missionaries Grace Lee, Maria Ahn, Abraham Kim, Augustine Sohn, Pauline Mun, and so on. Dr. John Jun and SunJi Jun spent hectic days to serve Korean missionaries who still hadweak faith.
Through these short visiting days, I could learn the God of America; he is so huge and great. I thought that like this great God, we have to grow up to be international shepherds, who can pray for the world and who can serve them. I often said the word ‘Let us grow up to be international shepherds, to someone who has a narrow heart and who need to grow. It is because the Bible is pleading with us to be perfect, as our heavenly Father is (Mt 5:48), and follow God’s example (Eph 5:1). America is so great. It can be described in two words; love and community. America is serving all the nations with love and community. Many people from around the world have come to live in America. The whole world is laid out before us in America. The God of America has used this huge country in his work through his love and training. He is restoring people from death in sin to life, and he is training them to be a holy nation. God loves his children with all his heart and he is a real blessing to those who call on him for help; however, Gods discipline is like training for all of us, and it helps prepare us to be warriors of faith even before death. Missionaries, who are warriors of faith and soldiers of Christ, are struggling to pioneer with much challenge. They are given the fullness of love and training from the great God. I know the only one work God is doing: He is considering, “Today, on whom shall I grant the blessing?”, “On whom shall I grant the blessing?” However, we are doing stuff that would be punished, not the kind of stuff that would be blessed. I pray that we would confess our past sins, and become the Lord’s angels, warriors of faith, and soldiers of Christ, so that we can do the kind of stuff that would be blessed, not the kind of stuff that would be punished. In 2011, I pray that I would become a faithful servant of God who serves the Lord and the servants of the Lord to the end with all my heart. I newly decided to love, to trust, to esteem, to respect people from 3-4 year old children to the elderly people who easily can be possessed by arrogance, self-righteousness, unwillingness, and stubbornness. Thanks to the Lord for his servants’ love for what I am. Thanks for your love for what I am. I deeply thank the shepherds and shepherdesses who have served us with love and prayer. Thank youand deeply appreciate you. I sincerely pray that I will serve the campuses in Ansung and I will pray for all the nations to the end.